【山城士多就 Ztore 創辦人言論之回應】
(Please scroll down for English version)
早前 士多 Ztore 創辦人之一凌俊傑 (Clarence Ling) 在 Facebook 發表支持《逃犯條例》修訂案的言論,除了在社會上引起很大的反響,亦令我們山城士多一眾現任及創辦成員為之側目。雖然事隔一星期,我們還是不得不作出回應。
山城士多於 2015 年 9 月由一班中文大學的同學創辦,開初是為了抗衡中文大學內百佳超級市場的壟斷。我們一直致力推廣本地製造的產品,拉近消費者與生產者的距離,鼓勵良心消費。成立一段時間後,我們喜見支持香港製造的風潮在社會漸漸流行,有關店舖更有如雨後春筍般冒起。作為其中一員,Ztore 將支持香港製造理念商業化,使更多市民可購買本地產品。正因理念一致,我們慢慢開始與 Ztore 合作,讓中大同學透過我們的平台,訂購部分 Ztore 代理的本地產品,而我們亦有提供部分本地社企的產品予 Ztore。一直以來,我們都合作愉快。
可是,Ztore 創辦人之一凌俊傑近日公開發表支持《逃犯條例》修訂案的言論,對充滿理想的示威者冷嘲熱諷,實在令人髮指。其言論亦不禁令人懷疑 Ztore 創立真是為推廣香港製造的理念,抑或只是打著香港製造的旗號謀利。
儘管 Ztore 在推廣香港產品曾有所貢獻,我們亦不能接受自己付出的金錢會讓這樣一個人得益。雖然我們微不足道,但我們深信,每一次付款都是一種投票;而我們堅決不會投給 Ztore。
在此,山城士多鄭重宣布,即時終止與 Ztore 的所有合作及來往。
山城士多上下都十分關注近來的抗爭運動。我們對政府仍未回應廣大市民的五大訴求深表遺憾,並強烈譴責警隊使用過分武力鎮壓示威,令眾多香港市民受傷。我們促請政府立即撤回《逃犯條例》修訂案、收回 6 月 12 日示威「暴動」的定性、釋放被補示威者並撤銷他們所有控罪及追究警隊濫用暴力。有關官員亦應立即引咎辭職。
2019 年 6 月 23 日
Ztore 創辦人凌俊傑有關言論:https://na.cx/i/7sd9Wda.png
#antielab #反送中 #本地製造 #良心消費 #支持小店 #VoteWithYourDollar
[A statement by CUStore on the comments by Ztore’s founder]
Ztore’s founder Clarence Ling has recently voiced out his support of the proposed amendment bill to the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance. His comments not only sparked huge controversy in society but also staggered current and founding members of CUStore. Although it has already been a week since Clarence Ling’s comments were posted, we still feel the urge to make a reply.
CUStore was founded by a group of CUHK students in September 2015 with the hope to break the monopoly of the Parknshop supermarket on our campus. We have been tirelessly working to promote Hong Kong made products and the idea of ethical shopping by drawing consumers closer to the producers. After our foundation, we were delighted that the idea of supporting local products started to become fashionable and that shops selling local products appeared in large numbers. As one of the members in the raising trend, Zstore commercialised the idea of ‘Made in Hong Kong’ so that more people can buy local products easily. Because we had similar aspirations, we started to collaborate with Ztore. We sold some of Ztore’s local products to CUHK students on our platform and provided products from local social enterprises to Ztore. The collaboration was going well.
However, just last week, Ztore’s founder Clarence Ling publicly stated his support to the amendment bill and sneered at the protesters who were full of ideals. His detestable comments made one wonder if his business was really supporting ‘Made in Hong Kong’ or if they were just using the idea solely to make money.
Hong Kong is at a most critical point at the moment. If the amendment bill is passed, the future of Hong Kong will be wrecked. There will be profound effects on the local manufacturing industry. Hong Kong’s excellent business environment has always been safeguarded by the just and sound legal system. The bill will create a fault in our legal system and put local and foreign people living and working in Hong Kong under the fear of being extradited to China where there is non-existence of a fair trial. Foreign companies will have much less confidence to do business in Hong Kong. When capitals leave Hong Kong it will inevitably lead to an economic recession.
Although Ztore has contributed to the promotion of local products, we still cannot accept that the money we pay will fall into such kind of a person like Clarence Ling. We may be insignificant; but we strongly believe that we are casting a vote whenever we pay — and we definitely are not voting for Ztore.
For that reason we hereby announce that we are terminating all the collaboration and ties with Ztore.
All of us from CUStore are very concerned about the recent protests going on in the city. We deeply regret that the government has failed to respond to the demands made by the Hong Kong citizens. We also strongly condemn the use of excessive violence by the Hong Kong Police Force during the protest on 12 June, which left many of our citizens injured. We urge the government to scrap the bill immediately, retract the use of ‘rioting’ in describing the protest on 12 June, release the arrested protesters and remove the charges against them, and investigate on the use of excessive violence by the Hong Kong Police Force. Those relevant government officials should take their responsibilities and resign immediately.
In the future, CUStore will continue to evolve and spread our ideas to the public.
To all those who are fighting for our city out there, please take good care of yourself. We will always support you.
23 June 2019
Original comments by Ztore’s Clarence Ling (in Chinese): https://na.cx/i/7sd9Wda.png
「please take good care of yourself中文」的推薦目錄:
- 關於please take good care of yourself中文 在 譚凱邦 Roy Tam Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於please take good care of yourself中文 在 Sally Yeh Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於please take good care of yourself中文 在 鄺俊宇 Roy Kwong Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於please take good care of yourself中文 在 take care中文的推薦與評價,FACEBOOK和網紅們這樣回答 的評價
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please take good care of yourself中文 在 Sally Yeh Facebook 的最佳解答
Dear All Fans and Friends!
So sorry to delay my grateful and heartfelt THANK YOU to all of those who sent me a beautiful Birthday Card last year and took such trouble to wrap it so beautifully and send it to Hong Kong!
I really do appreciate all your wonderful hearts and all the efforts you put into choosing, buying, writing and sending the cards with all your BIG BIG HEARTS! I know how much you love me and I love you too but really don't need to go thru the trouble! I think it's better one day we find a way to MEET each other! Maybe some place in Shen Zhen or something.. then we can connect much better! Of course hope I will sing somewhere in mainland China and meet up there too! Hahaha.. It's quite amazing all the cards come from so many fans all over China! I would like to share a few photos I took when I opened all of them at the time. I also gave my Mother the Chinese ones so she can read them to me and she was very happy that I have so many dear and considerate fans in mainland China! Thank you ALL SO MUCH for taking the heart and effort to give me such JOY! I will hope to meet with you all some time soon in the near future! In the meantime please do take good care of yourselves!
WORK HARD in whatever it is you do and love to do! BE HAPPY YOURSELF so you can BE GOOD to your Parents, Family, friends and Co Workers and anyone you meet in your life! Don't worry about hardships and pressure, because that's what makes you stronger and better and gives you the edge and strength to go farther and higher! Be aware that your actions speak much louder than your words! Always be aware that your actions must match the words you speak! Be HEALTHY and BE LOVING! ALWAYS! Even when U R Angry! Know that everything will work itself out! You are ALL BLESSED!
KEEP ON SMILING! Always Yours.. Sally!!!!
Dear All Fans and Friends!
我非常感激你們美好的心,以及你們用心選擇、購買、寫和寄卡片所付出的努力! 我知道你們有多愛我,我也愛你們,但你們真的不用那麼麻煩! 我想如果有一天我們能見面就再好不過! 或許是在深圳的某個地方,或其他地方… 那樣我們就能更好的交流! 當然也希望我會在內地的某地唱歌,那我們也可以在那裡見面啦!哈哈哈… 收到內地那麼多粉絲從各地寄來的這所有卡片真的很不可思議! 我想和你們分享在當時拆開這些卡片時我拍的一些照片。中文的卡片我也有拿給我媽媽看,她讀給我聽,她也很開心我在內地有那麼多可愛、貼心的粉絲!非常感謝你們所有人用心和努力帶給我的喜悅! 我希望在不久的將來見到你們每個人! 同時,請一定要照顧好自己!
無論你們在做什麼或喜歡做什麼,都要努力! 自己先要開心,才能對父母、家人、朋友、同事以及你們在生活中遇到的所有人都很好! 別害怕困難和壓力,因為正是這些讓你們更強更好,更有優勢和力量走得更遠、飛得更高! 請一定記得行動比言語更有力! 無論何時,都要言行一致! 一定要保持健康、有愛! 即使在你生氣的時候! 要相信每件事最後都有解決方案,一切都沒問題! 你們都是有福氣的!
保持微笑!Always Yours.. Sally!!!!
please take good care of yourself中文 在 鄺俊宇 Roy Kwong Facebook 的最佳貼文
感激Selina Kinyee Chau翻譯我的散文作品,讓香港及台灣以外的朋友都能看得明白,從中文走向英語,是我作品的大突破,感謝妳一字一句的用心翻譯:)
《WhatsApp and its USD0.99》
by Roy Kwong Translated by Selina Kinyee Chau
The WhatsApp software developer has informed its users to the app to be payable, triggering a fight between iPhone users and android users because iPhone users only pay USD0.99 once to enjoy life-long service but android users need to pay the same price every year.
Android users complain, “Why iPhone users only need to pay once but we need to pay every year?” iPhone users retort, “You didn’t say anything when we were being charged at the beginning. And now you are complaining.” So the two parties are stuck at whether the charge is unfair to Android users.
After the Two Ticks and Last seen on (Please refer to the previous article of the same writer), the WhatsApp started a fight again because of this USD0.99 issue. From between lovers to friends, now it has even extended to the whole user group of the two giant software developers. It should be named the Most Evil App of the Century.
The inconsistency of charging is of course WhatsApp’s fault. However, for those who can afford a smart phone that cost thousands dollars will be able to afford USD0.99 which is only the price of a can of coke, won’t they?
Some student users may complain, “I don’t have a credit card, I’m not able to pay at the App Store, WhatsApp are not considerate of us.” It is reasonable for users under 18 to complain if they don’t have a credit card. But if the charge is a disaster of WhatsApp, isn’t it just time for people to show their kindness? Friends who have a credit card can rescue others at this time, “I have a credit card. Let me pay it for you.”
Friends without a credit card will appreciate what you have done for them, although it is WhatsApp’s fault of the forbiddance of sending messages before the expiry date, reactivating the function for your friends by buying them a can of coke is meaningful, isn’t it? The USD0.99 of WhatsApp has created a chance to show your care to your friends, how nice as a social networking app!
Recall those days when we were still texting, it was actually not financial friendly at all. For the sake of keeping in touch with our friends, we were compelled to use the same service provider as theirs even its service was the worst in the world and we had to survived three times every day from losing connection just because to keep the text messages free of charge.
Still, the Two Ticks and Last seen on functions have created a lot of problem. But the invention of WhatsApp allows us to send messages for free, save us from paying for every text messages. It deserves to be granted a credit. And the simplified process by just clicking a few buttons to send pictures, videos and audios when we could only do so via email in the past. What’s more, WhatsApp had actually stated in the Terms and Conditions that charge may be applied after the first year.
So there have been so many complaints about WhatsApp being unfairness and has been given the name “a broken app” when it announced to charge? No one ever said something like that before the charging. After the charge applied, negative comments has swept over the Internet. Some suggested to use another communication app, Line, which is free of charge, and WhatsApp has become the public enemy. Despite the inconsistent charge, what’s wrong for WhatsApp to charge for using the app?
Have we become too comfortable enjoying free lunch without notice?
I still remember how hard I tried to save to buy a CD home and listened to it again and again when I was a kid. I had never been tired of it because it wasn’t easy. When there was a movie I liked, I saved hard to go to the cinema for it. If I didn’t have enough money, I bought the VCD when it was released. But VCDs were only available for movies not for TV shows. I had to start sitting in front of the TV before the show I liked started so that I wouldn’t miss any parts. And recorders became my good friend too. I really cherished the only-180-minute memory of every tape.
After I grew up, thanks to the advanced technology becomes able to store everything, the TV, computer, CD player, VCD player, game station and recorders, into ONE smart phone, only without the air conditioner. Want to listen to a song? Go to Youtube; want a movie? PPS, internet TV! A TV show? There are also apps you can watch live TV or play back. Want some games? From Angry Bird to Candy Crush, there are thousands of choices waiting for you.
However, The advance of technology has devalue our attitude towards making efforts. Because everything has become easy to get nowadays.
Have you noticed the songs nowadays are not as good as those in the past? That could be the problem of quality itself but more likely, it is because we have too many options. Now we just need to click a few buttons, thousands of search results will come out and we can listen to them right after. We are spoiled to be greedy unconditionally. We didn’t realize how long we hadn’t paid for a CD until the news of HMV’s bankruptcy spread out.
In the past we had to sit still and paid 100% attention to the movie to enjoy it, now we can just watch it from a few-inch-wide screen on a train. But the price is we keep being interrupted by the surrounding noise and people. When the character is saying something moving, we would just realize we’ve missed the stop and have to rush to get off. It may be free to watch a movie like this but I prefer paying to buy a ticket to go to the cinema.
We don’t need to worry about missing the best part of a TV show because our friends always share them on Facebook. We don’t need to watch every scene but you know what is going on in every story. But why is there still something missing? It turns out that we only keep the concentrated part of everything while the every well panned detail has been wasted. We don’t spend time building a connection with the characters in the story. However, if we don’t even spend time watching the the TV show by ourself, how can we feel the same way as the characters do, like we did in the past?
You don’t feel the pain losing something if you have never made any effort. It is just like we keep those old comics that we spent all our pocket money on even they are old and worn , but we are able to uninstall an app on our phone without a thought. Well, just take a couple seconds to download and we will own it again anytime.
While we are expecting making no effort, we are also destroying creativity. Creators lack of motivation. Creativity is worth nothing nowadays. People will search for replacement when one creativity starts to charge. This is not just about the USD0.99 of WhatsApp, it’s about our value on Give and Take.
Technology has changed our life, but we should never let it change our values.
We avoid Giving. But giving is vital for us to learn to cherish. Sometimes we get back more by giving than not giving, not just about money but also about love. Think about it, if we get what we want easily without paying any effort, comparing with that you devote yourself to a relationship while the other devotes to the relationship as much as you. Then none of you will give up on the relationship easily.
If you think WhatsApp is good, it deserves the USD0.99. Although I am still annoyed by the evil functions such as the Two Ticks and Last Seen on. WeChat is free but you have to pay your liberty of speech for it. One user once tried to send the name of Southern Weekly in Chinese, the system reminded him that “The message has involved sensitive words, please try again after making modification.” What’s wrong with the name of Southern Weekly? The even more ridiculous thing is, while I am writing this article, I get the news that WeChat now has tightened up the regulation that users have to use their real name, phone number when posting on the public forum and are even required to upload the photo of them with their ID card, like you have committed some serious crime.
To avoid paying USD0.99, you need to escape to somewhere that and be monitored. One day if you really encounter some sensitive issue, you will realize not paying actually pays more than paying. I believe most of readers are willing to pay for this USD0.99. We hope WhatsApp will open up more channels for payments.
Don’t let the wheels of Time make us forget the value of giving.
Writer for Yam Taiwan, Roy Kwong
please take good care of yourself中文 在 December 17th, 2020 To our... - Hill-Dale Veterinary Care | Facebook 的推薦與評價
After a doctor has evaluated your pet, they will call you to discuss the details and treatment ... Please take good care of yourselves and your loved ones. ... <看更多>